• Celignis Analysis Package
    P127 : Amylase Saccharification Efficiency

Constituents Determined

For every constituent determined via wet-chemical analysis each sample is analysed in duplicate and we provide the compositional data for each replicate along with the average value and the standard deviation between the duplicates. Our analytical protocols typically provide results with a high level of precision, as detailed here.

Examples of the data reports generated can be viewed on the Celignis Database. Please log on to the guest account using email "test@celignis.com" and password "celignis".

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Equipment Used for Amylase Saccharification Efficiency Analysis

Ion Chromatography

A Dionex ICS-3000 system that is equipmed with electrochemical, conductivity, and ultraviolet-visible detectors.

Incubated Shaker

This is used in analysis packages involving enzymes, for example in the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass.
