• Accuracy and Precision
    We are Focused on Getting the Highest-Quality Data

At Celignis we take pride in the accuracy and precision of our analysis. For every constituent determined via wet-chemical analysis each sample is analysed in duplicate and we provide the compositional data for each replicate along with the average value and the standard deviation between the duplicates.

We have strict quality controls regarding acceptable levels of precision in our analyses and, if these are breached, we will repeat the analysis at no extra cost to you.

Below we present statistical data for the average value for the standard deviation (SD) between the two duplicates for a number of analytes determined for the last 50 samples analysed at Celignis. The data are updated automatically as we process additional samples in our lab.

Click here to see the range of analysis packages at Celignis and here to place an order.

Lignocellulosic Constituents

Average data for the last 50 samples characterised for the chosen analyte at Celignis.

SD = Average, for the last 50 samples, of the standard deviation between the 2 duplicates analysed for each sample.

Glucan Xylan Total
Acid Soluble
SD 0.14% 0.06% 0.33% 0.33% 1.18% 0.35%
Request a QuoteLignocellulose Analysis

Properties Relevant to Combustion

AAverage data for the last 50 samples characterised for the chosen analyte at Celignis. Data for the standard deviation for the higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV) are presented as MJ/kg.

SD = Average, for the last 50 samples, of the standard deviation between the 2 duplicates analysed for each sample.

Carbon Nitrogen Ash Higher
Heating Value
Heating Value
SD 0.16% 0.02% 0.27% 0.039 0.039 0.25%
Request a QuoteThermal Analysis
