Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Cellulose Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Hemicellulose Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Lignin Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Starch Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Uronic Acid Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Enzymatic Hydrolysis
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Ash Content
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Heating (Calorific) Value
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Ash Shrinkage Starting Temperature (SST) - This occurs when the area of the test piece of Switchgrass ash falls below 95% of the original test piece area.
Ash Deformation Temperature (DT) - The temperature at which the first signs of rounding of the edges of the test piece occurs due to melting.
Ash Hemisphere Temperature (HT) - When the test piece of Switchgrass ash forms a hemisphere (i.e. the height becomes equal to half the base diameter).
Ash Flow Temperature (FT) - The temperature at which the Switchgrass ash is spread out over the supporting tile in a layer, the height of which is half of the test piece at the hemisphere temperature.
Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Ash Melting Behaviour
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Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Major and Minor Elements
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At Celignis we can provide you with crucial data on feedstock suitability for AD as well as on the composition of process residues. For example, we can determine the biomethane potential (BMP) of Switchgrass. The BMP can be considered to be the experimental theoretical maximum amount of methane produced from a feedstock. We moniotor the volume of biogas produced allowing for a cumulative plot over time, accessed via the Celignis Database. Our BMP packages also involve routine analysis of biogas composition (biomethane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, oxygen). We also provide detailed analysis of the digestate, the residue that remains after a sample has been digested. Our expertise in lignocellulosic analysis can allow for detailed insight regarding the fate of the different biogenic polymers during digestion.
Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine BMP
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At Celignis we can determine the bulk density of biomass samples, including Switchgrass, according to ISO standard 17828 (2015). This method requires the biomass to be in an appropriate form (chips or powder) for density determination.
Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Bulk Density
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Our lab is equipped with a Retsch AS 400 sieve shaker. It can accommodate sieves of up to 40 cm diameter, corresponding to a surface area of 1256 square centimetres. This allows us to determine the particle size distribution of a range of samples, including Switchgrass, by following European Standard methods EN 15149- 1:2010 and EN 15149-2:2010.
Click here to see the Celignis Analysis Packages that determine Particle Size
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The processing of lignocellulosic materials in modern biorefineries will allow for the
production of transport fuels and platform chemicals that could replace petroleum-derived
products. However, there is a critical lack of relevant detailed compositional information
regarding feedstocks relevant to Ireland and Irish conditions. This research has involved the
collection, preparation, and the analysis, with a high level of precision and accuracy, of a
large number of biomass samples from the waste and agricultural sectors. Not all of the
waste materials analysed are considered suitable for biorefining; for example the total sugar
contents of spent mushroom composts are too low. However, the waste paper/cardboard
that is currently exported from Ireland has a chemical composition that could result in high
biorefinery yields and so could make a significant contribution to Ireland’s biofuel demands. |